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Spirit Week Is Next Week! Here's an In-Depth Schedule

Sean Dolan Sean Dolan Oct 08, 2024 · 1 min read
Spirit Week Is Next Week! Here's an In-Depth Schedule
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It is that time of year again. Spirit Week is right around the corner, and right here is where you can find what to expect from this upcoming week. A healthy mix of old favorites and new events and ideas to show your pride for Tahoma this year.

Monday: No School. There is no school on Monday, as it is a federal holiday.

Tuesday: Twin Day. Collaborate with a friend (or teacher) to wear matching outfits, or outfits that reference a famous duo! Be creative with your costumes, as just like any other Spirit Week day, this one urges you to use your imagination.

Wear matching outfits on Twin Day!

Wednesday: No Backpack Day. This day speaks for itself. Use anything but a backpack to carry your supplies. From things that are a good backup, such as a suitcase, to obscure things such as a microwave or a shopping cart, anything is acceptable as long as it isn’t a backpack.

Thursday: White Lies Day. Wear a white shirt with an obvious lie about yourself. For example, if you have brown eyes, you can wear a shirt that says, “I have blue eyes.” White shirts will be sold in the quad for the rest of this week, and Sharpies will be provided for you to write your lie on the shirt.

This shirt is lie-free… for now.

Friday: Pajama Day. You’ve all heard of this one: Wear pajamas or comfy clothes to school. Stay after school for a movie night in the evening!

We look forward to seeing all of your brilliant ideas next week. See you then!

Sean Dolan
Written by Sean Dolan
I am Sean, and this is my second year covering news at the Tahoma Times. I enjoy covering stories surrounding this school or other important stuff in this world.